Brief History of the USAAF: As in many other parts of the world since the end W.W.I , great attention had been made to training the new air force. But, as in nearly all cases, little or no attention had been paid to either night operations or those conducted in poor visibility. The principle heavy bomber in use at this time was the Boeing B-17, later named the Flying Fortress. It was believed that the protective fire afforded by this heavily armed aircraft when flying in close formation would be sufficient to deter fighter attacks.Thus it was considered that a daylight strategic bombing role could be carried out over Europe. In the late sumer of 1942 RAF airfields were handed over to be used by the heavy and medium bombers of the arriving 8th and 9th USAAF. These were later joined by their belatedly deployed fighter escorts. The American Forces were to join the RAF in the strategic bombing of Germany. New airfields were also being built to accommodate yet more bombardment and fighter Groups assigned to the American forces. Much of Britain became a second home to tens of thousands of American airmen who were not only expected to cope with the war, but with the local population as well. They were to find at a terrible cost that having trained only for a daylight role, pin-point bombing accuracy, painstakingly carried out in the clear and uncontested skies of Arizona was to be confounded by the cloud-covered skies of Europe together with a waiting and battle-hardened Luftwaffe. Such was the faith in the defensive armament of B-17 that no plans had been made for escorting fighter cover. The mistake was realised too late as appalling losses were taken in the early missions. By this time Bombardment Groups of B-24 Liberators had joined the strategic bombing force. In the absence of any American fighter aircraft, RAF fighter cover was provided deploying Boulton Paul Defiants with "Moonshine" radar jamming equipment. However, the range of the fighter escort was insufficient for selected targets in Germany. For the next six months of the war, until January 1943, 8th USAAF bombing raids were restricted to occupied western Europe. By August 1943 American Fighter Groups flying P-38s and P-47s fitted with external fuel tanks were established to provide cover as far as the German border and after the raid, an escort home, but it wasn't until the introduction of the P-51 long-range escort in 1944 that adequate protection could be provided deep into Germany. Unlike their RAF counterparts, USAAF bomb crews trained together before deploying to the UK and an aircraft was allocated to them which they later flew over the Atlantic to the UK. Many had by then named 'their' aircraft and added appropriate artwork, ofte copying the Vargas' magazine illustrations. However, on arrival the aircraft was immediately separated from it's crew to be made battle-ready at Burtonwood near Liverpool. The crew were split between the four bombardment squadrons to gain experience and to fill empty spaces. Most never saw 'their' aircraft again.
P-38L Lightning |
was the first military aircraft to be developed by Lockheed. Designed
as a high-speed interceptor, the Lightning was first flown in 1939 entering
service in 1941 with both the USAAF and RAF. |
52ft 0in |
P-39 Airacobra |
Fighter Group was formed in October 1942 from some of the many US pilots
serving in the RAF. The 350th Fighter Group trained in the UK and after
assignment to 12th USAAF left for north Africa in January 1943. |
34ft 0 in |
P-47D Thunderbolt |
flown in 1941 Thunderbolts were the largest single-seat interceptors
of the war. In Europe they flew escort to USAAF bombing missions together
with P-51 Mustangs and P-38 Lightnings. |
40ft 9 in |
American P-51B Mustang |
P-51B was the first variant of this outstanding aircraft to use the
Merlin engine in favour of the earlier Allison engine for which it had
been designed and which had given the Mustang poor performance at altitude.
All had white painted spinners, forward cowlings and stripes on the
wings, tailplane and fin to distinguish the aircraft from the Bf109,
as several fatal mistakes had been made. Fighter Groups assigned to the Eighth Air Force were equipped
with the P-51B, in place of the P-38 Lightnings and P-47 Thunderbolts
in mid-1943. |
37ft ¼ in |
American P51D Mustang |
built and delivered in 117 days by a company that had never before built
fighter aircraft, the P-51D Mustang became one of the most successful
interceptors of WW2 and first flew in 1940. Early models powered with
Allison engines were later replaced by aircraft with Packard Merlin
engines. |
37ft ¼ in |
B-17F Flying Fortress 'Dixie' Lost with all crew 1 May 1943 over St Nazaire |
B-17 has come to epitomise the 8th USAAF heavy bomber of WWII, although
it shared this role with, lesser publicised, B-24 Liberator. It was
designed to be easy to fly and maintain while being able to absorb massive
battle damage. |
103ft 9in |
B-17FG Flying Fortress |
B-17G modification incorporated a chin turret and additional armament
to counter the head-on attacks by Luftwaffe fighters. In addition however,
there were other, less obvious differences. The waist gun platforms
were staggered and many of the control surfaces were operated electrically
rather than hydraulically, a distinct advantage at high altitude. |
Wingspan 103ft 9in |
B-24J Liberator June 1944 |
Liberators were produced than any other US aircraft. From the B-24G
model on, all were fitted with a nose turret to combat head-on attacks
by Luftwaffe fighters. The B-24 never managed to attain the the
glamour of the B-17 but was nevertheless faster, more versatile and
could carry a greater bomb-load. The B-24 was able to carry out a greater
variety of roles. It was regarded with suspicion by newly assigned flight
crews but for those already experienced "The Flying Box-Car"
was a popular and reliable aircraft. |
110 ft |
B-26 Marauder |
B-26 was said to have poor handling characteristics at low altitude
and was therefore a dangerous aircraft in inexperienced hands. However,
this attribute had more to do with poor pilot training than an inherent
structural instability.. Efforts were made with later variants to reduce
the high landing speed. |
71ft 0in |