This reference site has two main areas.Part 1 gives detailed information on the massive RAF and USAAF deployments particularly for the East Anglian region of Great Britain, aided by an interactive map. Deployments with dates, where known, are, available to cover Part 2. is a comprehensive overview and chronology of the Battle of Britain complete with operational deployments for 11Group as well as Luftwaffe dispositions for Luftflotten 2 and 3. together with interactive maps.
Sub-sections include: 1.
Short histories and specifications for the principal operational aircraft
deployed in the East Anglian are available on RAF, USAAFpages. Luftwaffe aircraft are provided together with brief histories. 4. AAF Station numbers for operational, support and training units 5. An article on the RAF strategic bombing campaign and the development of Electronic Counter Measures, (ECM). 6. An interactive glossary. Click " 7. An interactive map of the greater East Anglian region to locate and view unit deployments.
Note: Some types of information will be displayed in the left and top frames to allow greater continuity. These frames can be reset using the buttons at the top left of the screen
enquiries and comments
are welcomed. All colour aircraft images and text are copyright of the author, unless otherwise stated.
My thanks to all of you who have helped to preserve the accuracy of the content from your experience, knowledge and insight.